Sunday, July 31, 2005

Just When You Thought Blogging Was Blase

The world's most famous blogger (or at least, in IT world-dom that is) is possibly giving a demonstration of how to put your foot in it when blogging. This article on The Register shows Robert Scoble is blogging about new Microsoft program problems before the bug-fixers know about them. It now becomes an entertaining game of he-said-she-said - or perhaps the age-old "I was quoted out of context" game.

Peyton place in a teacup, methinks.

Requires the grey matter to be engaged before plugging in the keyboard.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Business Blogging Redux

As an aside, I was today interviewed for an article in InTheBlack about business blogging - not because anyone is necessarily reading my blog, but at least partly because the ITM COE suggested it to InTheBlack as a topic for the October edition.

I know that Shauna Kelly of the COE is also writing an in-depth article for the CPA website to be published soon.

It will be interesting - I note that Ed Charles (the journalist) is working on podcasting the interviews he does. An interesting idea - we could go from business blogging to business podcasting...

ERP4IT - Discussion on IT Governance

I today noticed the business blog of "alphasong", discussing IT Governance and the academic community's approach to it - it would seem that he/she is concerned that academic business research tends to be doing "hard IT" rather than looking purely at the business and IT crossover points.

Having done some IS research in a business school, it is an interesting point of view - however, I think the state of the research is still fairly new for IT Governance and I think academia has a great deal of work in the pipeline (we had at least two papers for the Australian Accounting Review issue that are specifically on IT Governance). One of the fun things, I believe, with academia is that the process to publication is measured in years, not months, and certainly not minutes like blogging is.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

IT Governance

Don't you hate it when you state "I will post every day to my blog" and then look up from your desk to discover it's been three weeks?

Anyway, I have just flown back into sunny (well, actually quite dark) Brisbane - much to my annoyance, the plane was delayed by an hour. Apparently an oven was broken in the plane. I am somewhat concerned that an oven is so central to the operation of the plane but apparently the Qantas manual says "thou shalt swap planes" and who am I to argue with people who know about how to keep planes in the air?

There was an ITM COE meeting in Melbourne today, and I suspect that I am suffering from a case of "to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail". I find IT Governance to be exceptionally interesting, and that is a topic that is well on the radar for the ITM COE - however, I could be accused for stretching the topic somewhat at times, as I think almost all business IT problems can be related back to poor IT governance in the first place (and if you're not careful sometime, I'll set you down and tell you all about it).

At any rate, here is a link to the IS Auditors' association standard on IT Governance: COBIT

Monday, July 04, 2005

Speaking with an ISP

A well-documented problem for many people - at least in Australia - is having Telstra Bigpond as your internet service provider (ISP). The problem is not so much having Bigpond as your provider, as understanding their approach to business and what you need to do to keep them on their toes.

A colleague has been on a "1GB business plan" for $59.05 per month for the past three years. Not being tech-savvy - he's really only interested in doing things with the computer, which is a novel concept for some people - he's never really explored his options there. Telstra changed their plans and charge rates eighteen months ago, but unless you specifically request it, they leave you on your old plan and conditions. Telstra's argument is that they can't make value-judgments as to what's "better" for a client so therefore they do not change your plan to a "better" one when it comes in. So in this instance - a 1 GB plan that is no longer available, with a 15c per megabyte excess charge, stayed in place. The fact that there is a 10GB plan, with no excess, available for $59.95 (a whole $0.90 extra) was never specifically advised.

Things have been going fairly swimmingly for some time, but unfortunately my colleague bought his daughter an iPod, and she started filling the iPod with (I'm sure it's legal) music from the internet. So far, the excess charges could have bought a nice CD collection...

The lesson is, always monitor the Bigpond plans and keep aware of what you're fees and charges are through sites such as Whirlpool. Telstra won't tell you. A capped fee is best - your TD (Teenage Daughter) risk exposure is minimised then. As a Telstra shareholder, and rubbing my hands with glee at one level, with trepidation at another, I do wonder how many other Telstra customers like that there are out there.